Johann-Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Matthaüspassion BWV 244

This page is overly crowded. The reason is that in the beginning we wanted to find a complete version of the Matthaüspassion BWV 244 in MIDI format, but could only find various parts of the work at several sites on the Web.

The two most complete we could find were on the page KCN's MIDI data collection(1.1 J. S. Bach - Vocal Works) from the site KCN's Home Page Unfortunately, the work is not complete as numbers 60 to 68 are missing.

The site Muse Data has an impressive page Bach: Passio Secundum Matthaeum, BWV 244 (Bach-Gesellschaft) Unfortunately, the coverage is missing recitative #12 and the files only contain pitch and duration data. The parts have no tempo indications and instrument specifications. One further step is to complement the files with the help of the score, which we leave as an exercize to those interested.

We had decided to centralize all the files that we could find on the present page, when, with the help of the search engine MIDI Explorer, we discovered on Chosei Shibata Website this cryptic page (Google translation) containing a complete version of Matthaüspassion .

However due to the hard work of searching the Web, and the good quality of some of the files, we decided to keep all of those we had collected so far.

Due to their heterogeous origins, the file names are quite different from version to version. We decided to duplicate the files in order to provide an homogeneous naming convention so that one can compare the different versions. These new files are subject to modifications.

Our naming convention is as follows:


where XX is the part number, YY is a unique index for the original source, ORIGIN_AUTHOR indicates the origin and the author of the sequence and ORIGINAL_FILENAME is (obviously) the original file name.

Here are the locations from which we collected the files, with the name of the authors who sequenced the files.

The layout of this page comes from Walter F. Bischof's Matthaüspassion text page.